Release notes v2.3.0: January 27, 2014

New Features:

  1. NEW : Added support for Distributed Performance Testing!
  2. NEW : Better Icons. Less greyish icons
  3. NEW : Added Bytes/sec output on Perf test
  4. NEW : Added creation of perf test resports
  5. NEW : Added syntax highlighting support for functional tests
  6. NEW: New HttpHeadersNotValidated key in Settings.

Bug Fixes:

  1. FIX : Added Fix to allow re-opening of Passed Tests

Release notes v2.2.0: April 30, 2013

New Features:

  1. NEW : UI Perf enhancements. Removed fade-in efffect
  2. NEW : Support for windows/NTLM Authentication
  3. NEW : Windows/NTLM and Basic Authentication scope to host:port

    For example: You can create a BASIC username/password authentication for site localhost:81. This means that all HTTP requests to localhost:80 will use the configured basic account

  4. NEW: New HttpHeadersNotValidated key in Settings.
  5. NEW: Added as template for the python script
  6. NEW: Intellisense improvements
  7. NEW: Better scripting support. Randomizing http requests. Caching of variables for use by several scripts
  8. NEW: Better accuracy on perf test measurements

Bug Fixes:

  1. FIX : In the Test validation screen, the actual response was displayed previously in the expected response column
  2. FIX : Added detection of duplicate headers
  3. FIX : MessageBox shown when script has syntax errors

Release notes v2.1.0: February 20, 2013

New Features:

  1. NEW : Support for not including some http headers in the test validation. These headers can be configured to be ignored

    HTTP headers whose value often change per request, like 'Date', should be ignored. The list of ignored headers are maintained in the 'HeadersNotValidated' config setting

  2. Minor UX enhancements

Bug Fixes:

  1. FIX : Clicking on Save Project will save all open functional tests.
  2. FIX : Custom http headers are now loaded correctly from functional tests
  3. FIX : Functional tests no longer share the same authentication credentials

Release notes v2.0.0: January 03, 2013

New Features:

  1. NEW : Support for executing and validating all functional test cases
  2. NEW : Support for running custom validations on functional test cases
  3. NEW : Support for creating PDF Reports
  4. NEW: Execute all functional tests at once
  5. NEW: Execute all functional tests at once
  6. NEW: Enabled editing of cookies
  7. NEW: Usability enhancements

Bug Fixes:

  1. FIX : Prevent crash on unhandled exceptions
  2. FIX : Prevent crash when JSON response is invalid

Release notes v1.4.0: Dec 08, 2012

New Features:

  1. NEW : Support for organizing test cases under projects
  2. NEW : Support for running and validating test cases
  3. NEW : Ignores errors on test certificates
  4. NEW: New icons (from vs 2012)/>

Bug Fixes:

  1. FIX : Can now edit the saved cookies

Release notes v1.3.0: Sept 28, 2012

New Features:

  1. NEW : Support for python scripting
  2. NEW: #Users vs Rate plot (perf test)
  3. NEW: Pie chart plot of http response codes (perf test)
  4. NEW : Built-in python editor with syntax highlighting and intellisense (only for the WCFStorm.Rest api)
  5. NEW : Added window for viewing logs.
  6. NEW : Export of Response Header + Body to a file

Bug Fixes:

  1. FIX : Loading of *.rest file for requests header/body of perf tests
  2. FIX : UX changes

Release notes v1.2.0: August 31, 2012

New Features:

  1. NEW : Added perfomance testing.
  2. NEW : UX changes

Release notes v1.1.0: August 1, 2012

New Features:

  1. NEW : Auto-sends non-expired cookies.
  2. NEW : Added clearing of plots
  3. NEW : UX changes

Bug Fixes :

  1. FIX: Added trimming of spaces from Request Headers